Category: The Wild Hunt

The Blowing of Horns

The Wild Hunt, at least this time, is preceded by a blowing of horns.

Justin Trudeau toots casually in French. Quebec children are encouraged to join in.

James Bryson published by The Nova Scotia Civil Liberties Association dissects The Ugly Business of Scapegoating the Unvaccinated.

Emmanuel Macron curses a group he no longer considers citizens.

Austria will charge the prey 3,600 euros every three months before the hunt even starts and is well into preparations.

Neil Oliver can hear the horns.

Neil Oliver: World leaders think the unvaccinated are next door to idiots, racists and misogynists.

Paul Kingsnorth hears the horns and analyses the tune in The Vaccine Moment, part one and The Vaccine Moment, part two. In The Vaccine Moment, part three he looks at the narrative of Reptilians but steers more toward Leviathan and concludes with some, perhaps unfounded, hope:

We could start with courage: courage and patience. It may take years, decades, centuries, but the Machine we have built to manage life itself, to squeeze the world into our own small shape – it will come down in the end, and the humming wires will fall silent.

Sweet Young Zombies

Historical now, the incidents at The Evergreen State College have become iconic enough to inspire phrases such as “The Evergreening of America”.

Perhaps the use of a Zombie horde by a bureaucrat to gain full control of an institution also resembles other, much more important, events.

Benjamin Boyce was a student at Evergreen at the time and has documented the whole saga quite extensively.

Mike Nayna made a detour from the Grievance Studies material to do a three part summary as well.

PART ONE: Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying & the Evergreen Equity Council

There’s My Biden Sign. Don’t Destroy Anything.

Man Tries To Pander To BLM Terrorists And Fails

Antifa Movie
Antifa: Rise of the Black Flags.

A book, “The Antifa”, by Jack Posobiec will follow and of course there is also the book “Unmasked“, by Andy Ngo:

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